Download Linux Voice issue 2
|It’s that time again! We’ve already made issue 1 freely available, and now we’re releasing issue 2 of Linux Voice under the Creative Commons BY-SA license. So you can modify and share all content from the magazine (apart from adverts), even for commercial purposes, providing you credit Linux Voice as the original source, and retain the same license.
Update 23/02/2014 Download an ePub version of issue 2. Huge thanks to Mheureka on our Forums for putting this together.
Highlights in this issue: how Munich switched to Linux, make your own Raspberry Pi-powered arcade machine, write your first kernel module, and understand how software containers such as Docker work. Plus many more tutorials, features and interviews — 116 pages in total!
Click the image below to get the complete magazine PDF, or scroll on for individual articles. And if you like what you see, click here to subscribe from just £38 and get future issues straight to your door or inbox!

Full issue (61MB)
Download individual articles (audio versions coming soon):
- News/Opinion: PDF
- Distrohopper: PDF, text
- Gaming On Linux: PDF, text
- Letters: PDF
- LUGS on tour: PDF, text
- Review: Dell XPS 13: PDF
- Review: Retrode: PDF
- Review: Krita 2.8: PDF
- Review: PiBorg PiCy: PDF, text
- Review: SolydXK 201401: PDF
- Book Reviews: Adventures in Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi User Guide, A Computer Called LEO, Arduino for Dummies: PDF
- Group Test: text editors: PDF, HTML
- Feature: Coding for all (Python, JavaScript, Bash): PDF
- Interview: Raspberry Pi education team (Clive Beale, Carrie Anne Philbin and Ben Nuttall): PDF, HTML
- How Munich switched to Linux: PDF, HTML
- Young Rewired State: PDF
- FAQ: Docker: PDF, HTML
- Sysadmin section: Containers: PDF
- Cloud Admin: Jenkins: PDF
- FOSSPicks: PDF
- Tutorial: Filing bug reports: PDF
- Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Arcade Machine: PDF, HTML
- Tutorial: Grace Hopper and the UNIVAC: PDF
- Tutorial: KDE: PDF, HTML
- Tutorial: UEFI booting: PDF, text
- Coding: Pretty patterns in Python: PDF
- Coding: Key exchange: PDF
- Coding: Write a kernel module: PDF, HTML
- Masterclass: Filezilla: PDF
- Masterclass: SSH: PDF
- /dev/random: PDF
Can I use the ISO image to install Tiny Core on a SolidRun Cubox-i computer?
We release the magazine free nine months after it’s publication. That means the distros on this issue’s coverdisk are at lease nine months old. As a general rule, I’d recommend downloading the latest versions rather than using the versions on and cover disks that are this old.
In this case, there’s a second problem as well. Our cover disks are designed for x86 computers, while the Cubox is ARM. That means you’ll have to use a distro specifically designed for the Cubox, not a general purpose one.
Nice. Now if they would release it in an OPEN FORMAT (as opposed to the worthless PDF format), it may be worth reading.
“PDF … was officially released as an open standard on July 1, 2008, and published by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 32000-1:2008”
I’m glad you’ve provided machine-readable and editable “source” text for at least some of articles this time. Ideally this could be done for all articles next time? (And pictures? Why do I have to go extract them out of the PDF?)
Yeah, and the pictures – I’m sure they were much larger and of better quality before being reduced in size and having lossy compression applied to go into the PDF.
Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
I am just reading the Key exchange article and when explaining the Diffie-Hellman algorithm you are saying that GCHQ knows a, (s+a) and (s+b). How do they know ‘a’? Should not it be ‘s’ instead?
Hey guys, I just found this incredible resource. But I noticed that for the issue 2 there is only one ePub version. Is there high res/low res version of this issue like all the other published so far? Thanks a lot.