Download Linux Voice issue 6
|Issue 6 of Linux Voice is now nine months old, so we’re releasing it under the Creative Commons BY-SA license. You can share and modify all content from the magazine (apart from adverts), even for commercial purposes, providing you credit Linux Voice as the original source and retain the same license.
Highlights in this issue: Eight awesome Raspberry Pi projects; The future of KDE; Interview with Wayland developer Daniel Stone; Encrypt your internet traffic with Tor; and Build robotic weapons with Arduino and Python. Plus many more tutorials, features and interviews — 116 pages in total!
Click the image below to download the complete magazine PDF, of if you prefer ePub, there are large and small versions. Scroll on for individual articles in PDF, and if you like what you see, click here to subscribe from just £38 and get future issues straight to your door or inbox!

Full issue (71MB)
Download individual articles:
- News/Opinion: PDF
- Distrohopper – Voyager, Netrunner, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, BBQ Linux and Linux BBQ: PDF
- Gaming On Linux: PDF
- Letters: PDF
- LUGs on tour: PDF
- Feature: Raspberry Pi Projects – ISS detector, voice operation, OwnCloud, Scratch & GPIO, NAS, security camera, hacking, Minecraft and XBMC: PDF
- Feature: Slackware: PDF
- Feature: The future of KDE: PDF
- Feature: Forks in Free Software: PDF
- FAQ: Krita: PDF
- Interview: Daniel Stone on X, Wayland and the future of Linux: PDF
- Review: CentOS 7: PDF
- Review: Minetest: PDF
- Review: Opera Developer 26: PDF
- Review: AfterShot Pro 2: PDF
- Review: Harmony Smart Control: PDF
- Book Reviews: The Unix Programming Environment, Makers and Homeland: PDF
- Cloud admin: containers and Docker: PDF
- Core technology: Sockets, UDP and TCP: PDF
- FOSSPicks: PDF
- Tutorial: Brush modes and layers in Krita: PDF
- Tutorial: Write your own Python quiz: PDF
- Tutorial: Encrypt your internet traffic with Tor: PDF
- Tutorial: Master your package management system: PDF
- Coding: Build robotic weaponry with Arduino and Python: PDF
- Sigil: create quality e-books: PDF
- Code ninja: callbacks and non-blocking I/O: PDF
- Coding: Turing and the Manchester Mark I: PDF
- Masterclass: Monitor your hard drives with Smart: PDF
Hey guys, kudos for releasing older issues under Creative Commons! Just a small issue: the link to the pdf for “Book Reviews: The Unix Programming Environment, Makers and Homeland” is wrong, it currently links to but should link to .
Fixed — thanks!
If anyone is having trouble downloading the Epub versions using Firefox then either of these lines should work in a terminal.
wget (for the larger images)
Both versions download without problems in Chromium and Google Chrome.
Hello LinuxFormatAfrica,
I’m unable to visit your website whenever I use the TBB (Tor Browser Bundle). Can you adjust your CDN settings, so I don’t have to turn the horrific javascript settings on ? Whenever I stumble on website that requests me to turn on javascript and enter some captcha crap I just close the browser tab and do not visit the same website ever. If it wasn’t the freely downloadable issues that you post each month I wouldn’t even visit your website after the first block that was imposed at me several months ago.
Let’s hope that you do care about your readers that want to stay anonymous while visiting your website. Just don’t forget how the Chinese Kung Fu Government was injecting javascript code into everyone’s outgoing traffic and they targeted one specific github project.