Download Linux Voice issue 7
|Issue 7 of Linux Voice is now nine months old, so we’re releasing it under the Creative Commons BY-SA license. You can share and modify all content from the magazine (apart from adverts), even for commercial purposes, providing you credit Linux Voice as the original source and retain the same license.
Highlights in this issue: find the perfect distro for you; overclock your Raspberry Pi; analyse big data with Python; and reverse engineer device drivers. Plus many more tutorials, features and interviews — 116 pages in total!
Click the image below to download the complete magazine PDF, or if you prefer ePub, grab it here. Scroll on for individual articles in PDF, and if you like what you see, click here to subscribe from just £38 for 12 Linux and FOSS-packed issues!

Full issue (95MB)
Download individual articles:
- Distrohopper – Siduction, Zorin, GhostBSD and OpenElec: PDF
- Gaming On Linux: PDF
- OSCON 2014: PDF
- Feature: Find your perfect Linux distro: PDF
- Feature: Raspberry Pi B+: PDF
- Feature: Elementary OS: PDF
- Interview: Thomas Voss of the Mir project: PDF
- Review: KDE 5: PDF
- Review: CamJam EduKit: PDF
- Review: Mathematica 10: PDF
- Review: LibreOffice 4.3: PDF
- Review: Stellarium 0.13: PDF
- Book Reviews: Tubes: A journey to the center of the internet, Great North Road, Dealing With Disrespect and Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking: PDF
- Group test: IRC clients: PDF
- Core technology: Get plugged in with UDP: PDF
- FOSSPicks: PDF
- Tutorial: Void your Raspberry Pi’s warranty: PDF
- Tutorial: Program electronic music with Sonic Pi: PDF
- Tutorial: Data analysis using Python and MySQL: PDF
- Tutorial: Power up your shell: PDF
- Tutorial: Write and publish outlines with Fargo: PDF
- Coding: Reverse engineer a device driver for a USB toy car: PDF
- Coding: Master Bash scripting: PDF
- Code ninja: Programmer’s golf: PDF
- Coding: Konrad Zuse, (nearly) the German Turing: PDF
- Masterclass: Use Samba to share files with Windows users: PDF