Download Linux Voice issue 8
|Issue 8 of Linux Voice is now nine months old, so we’re releasing it under the Creative Commons BY-SA license. You can share and modify all content from the magazine (apart from adverts), even for commercial purposes, providing you credit Linux Voice as the original source and retain the same license.
Highlights in this issue: build your own Linux distro; learn how password crackers work; control your TV from your smartphone; back up your data securely; and explore the fascinating history of gaming on Linux. Plus many more tutorials, features and interviews — 116 pages in total!
Click the image below to download the complete magazine PDF, or if you prefer ePub, there are high-res and low-res versions. Scroll on for individual article PDFs, and if you like what you see, click here to subscribe from just £38 for 12 Linux and FOSS-packed issues!

Full issue (88MB)
Download individual articles:
- News analysis: PDF
- Distrohopper – Elementary, Tanglu, Qubes, Symphony: PDF
- Gaming On Linux: PDF
- Mailserver – your letters: PDF
- LUGs on tour: PDF
- Feature: Build your own Linux distro: PDF
- Feature: Indie technology: PDF
- Feature: Linux in space: PDF
- Feature: A history of Linux gaming: PDF
- FAQ: Disapora: PDF
- Interview: Red Hat’s FOSS evangelist Jan Wildeboer: PDF
- Review: Wacom Intuos Pro: PDF
- Review: Gnu MediaGoblin 0.7: PDF
- Review: Calibre 2.0: PDF
- Review: Energenie: PDF
- Review: Android x86 4.4: PDF
- Book Reviews: Program or Be Programmed, Riding Rockets, The Cathedral and the Bazzar and The Hacker Crackdown: PDF
- Group test: Raspberry Pi distros: PDF
- Core technology: How filesystems work: PDF
- FOSSPicks: PDF
- Tutorial: Create awesome photographs with HDR: PDF
- Tutorial: Stop-motion animation with the Raspberry Pi: PDF
- Tutorial: Linux 101 – back up your data: PDF
- Tutorial: Crack passwords with John the Ripper: PDF
- Tutorial: Host your own email server with Cyrus: PDF
- Coding: Use Urwid to create text-mode interfaces: PDF
- Coding: Build an XBMC remote control: PDF
- Code ninja: Lambda functions: PDF
- Coding history: Sophie Wilson, Acorn and the development of ARM: PDF
- Masterclass: Secure your website with SSL encryption: PDF