Download Linux Voice issue 9
|Issue 9 of Linux Voice is now nine months old, so we’re releasing it under the Creative Commons BY-SA license. You can share and modify all content from the magazine (apart from adverts), even for commercial purposes, providing you credit Linux Voice as the original source and retain the same license.
Highlights in this issue: the 54 best Linux apps; Tim O’Reilly talks DRM and open data; inside the GNOME foundation; encrypted P2P communications with Tox; composing beautiful text with LaTeX; and building a mail server with Cyrus. Plus many more tutorials, features and interviews — 116 pages in total!
Click the image below to download the complete magazine PDF, or if you prefer ePub, get it here (36MB). Scroll on for individual article PDFs, and if you like what you see, click here to subscribe from just £38 for 12 Linux and FOSS-packed issues!

Full issue (86MB)
Download individual articles:
- News analysis: PDF
- Distrohopper – Open Media Vault, Q4OS, Gentoo, Ubuntu Mate: PDF
- Gaming On Linux: PDF
- Mailserver – your letters: PDF
- LUGs on tour: PDF
- Feature: The 54 best Linux apps: PDF
- Feature: Linux kernel parameters: PDF
- Feature: Makers of the World unite: PDF
- Feature: Inside the Gnome Foundation: PDF
- FAQ: Systemd: PDF
- Interview: Tim O’Reilly: PDF
- Review: Kobo Aura H20: PDF
- Review: Geary 0.8: PDF
- Review: Hover: PDF
- Review: Gnome 3.14: PDF
- Review: MoPi: PDF
- Book Reviews: What If, Consent of the Networked, AngularJs and Becoming Functional: PDF
- Group test: Office suites: PDF
- Core technology: PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules: PDF
- FOSSPicks: PDF
- Tutorial: Encrypted P2P communications with Tox: PDF
- Tutorial: Write a Twitter client in Python: PDF
- Tutorial: Compose beautiful text with Latex: PDF
- Tutorial: Open Media Vault – a NAS for everyone: PDF
- Coding: Shellshock – breaking Bash: PDF
- Server: Add a spam filter to your email server with Procmail: PDF
- Coding: Make your own Mandelbrot set: PDF
- Code ninja: Unit testing: PDF
- Coding history: EDSAC, David Wheerler and the Cambridge connection: PDF
- Masterclass: Managing your music: PDF
- /dev/random – final thoughts, musings and reflections: PDF
Just wanted to direct your attention to a small mistake in your article on ‘software made in the UK’ (October issue 2015): StarOffice is actually a bit older. The original software was written 1985 by the German Marco Börries who set up his own company Star Divison to market the software. Sun purchased the company in 1999. That’s why there were still tons of German code in the software which had to be purged when the LibreOffice developers started to clean up the code.
The link for LaTeX tutorial is not working. Please check.
Having trouble downloading the epub version. The file cannot be opened in my reader (wrong format message) and letting the browser download instead of save as..the file winds up with a .txt extension.
Hi Andrew,
the link for ‘Tutorial: Encrypted P2P communications with Tox’ refers to, which seems not to exist.
However, link does work :-))
Regards, Mark
Hi Andrew,
sorry to bother you again.
The link for ‘Coding history: EDSAC, David Wheerler and the Cambridge connection’ refers to, which seems not to exist as well :-))
Regards, Mark
Fixed, thanks!
The link for the Procmail tutorial is to the same PDF file as the link for the Cyrus tutorial. Do you have a correct name for the Cyrus PDF file?
Ah, the first one shouldn’t have been there (it was from the previous issue), so I’ve removed it. Thanks!