Issue 2 is out!
|Issue 2 is in UK newsagents now. It’s also our first issue available on US newsstands (try Barnes & Noble at the end of April). Of course, it’s also making its way around the globe to all the same locations as issue 1, so keep an eye out.
We’ve got features on learning to code on lots of different platforms, the city of Munich switching to Linux (despite Ballmer’s direct intervention) and how wonderful Young Rewired State is. There are tutorials on bug reporting, building an arcade machine, drawing fractals and UNIVAC, as used by our cover star – Grace Hopper.
Issue 2 comes with an 8GB dual-layer DVD, and we’ve stuffed it full! There’s the 3.7GB nine desktop version of Mageia 4, freedom-loving gNewSense 3.1, videos, podcasts and much of the software mentioned in the magazine. You can download the DVD via bit torrent.
Remember: Linux Voice has 114 pages and gives 50% of its profits back to the FOSS community. If you like what you see, head to or your local newsagents to grab your copy. And save money and time by getting a subscription!

Contents pages (click for PDF)
This is what fills the 114 pages of issue 2
- News analysis
- Distrohopper
- Gaming on Linux
- Letters
- LUGs on tour
- Show reports on QCon and OCR Raspberry Jamboree
- Dell XPS 13 review
- Retrode review
- Krita 2.8 review
- PyBorg review
- SolydXK review
- Book reviews
- Group test: text editors
- Code Android, Javascript and Python
- Interview: Carrie Anne Philbin, Clive Beale & Ben Nuttall
- Munich switches to Linux
- Spotlight on Young Rewired State
- FAQ: Docker
- Sysadmin
- Cloudadmin
- FOSSpicks
- Learn how to file bug reports
- Build a Raspberry Pi arcade machine
- Make KDE even more awesome
- Grace Hopper and the UNIVAC
- Conquer UEFI
- Python: Building fractals
- Key distribution explained
- Your first kernel module
- Using Filezilla
- An introduction to SSH
- DVD pages
- /dev/random
Is there a DVD Torrent link?
There will be! We’ll post an update when it’s ready.
Hi guys.
Trying to follow the python example that is in this issue but cannot find the webkit module that is supposed to be imported.
Hi Tirab,
As it says in the text, you need the “python-webkit” package. That’s what it’s called in Debian/Ubuntu at least — if you’re running another distro, the package might have a slightly different name.
Thanks Alot Guys for a Great Magazine 🙂
Some great topics covered.
Those first two issues have been great – keep it up, folks!
Blimey! No sign of Issue 1 in any Sydney newsagents thus far, and you’re already punting out a second one.
At this rate, I’ll have to take out a blinking subscription!
That’s why, as an Aussie, I bought a digital subscription.
Hey guys,
could you make an estimate how long it usually should take to receive a printed copy at different regions.
E.g. how long should German subscribers expect to wait,
how long US subscribers, Canada, Australia, etc.
Just wondering
Hi Torwag,
Our distributor said that overseas copies should arrive between 5 and 7 working days after being posted (early last week), to a maximum of 10 days. So everyone outside of the UK should receive their copies this week, or at the start of next week at the very latest. Of course, if there are postal problems/strikes in certain countries we can’t do anything about those.
Thanks for the reply. That should give us an idea how long we have to resist to peek into the digital copy possibly ruining the pleasure to read the articles on paper 😉
BTW: From a Linux Voice typewriter monkey view, what is more efficent/profotable for you guys. A digital or a paper subscription?
Guess, it would be interesting for the readers to know which of both ways supports you more.
It is a bit out of scope but how about column “Just a normal week a Linux Voice HQ” in which you give readers an idea what it means to create a Linux magazine. Constant PC crashes due to a mailfunction MikeOS, moaning and groaning authors because of loosing the work of the last 12 hours shift (who said it does autobackups?), paper shuffeling administrativ madness, all this stuff which you normally hide from us.
The subscriptions work out about the same for us — we wouldn’t want to give anyone preferential treatment! The digital sub may be considerably cheaper than a 1 year rest-of-world print sub, but that’s largely due to how expensive it is to post magazines around the world.
A normal week in Linux Voice… Lots of compiling stuff, lots of raging when things don’t work, and lots of smiles when they do 🙂 BTW, MikeOS is ideal for business use. It has zero viruses, and no networking vulnerabilities…
Aww wow! You guys are no slouches! I just recieved my issue 1 and am not even halfway through all the juicy linux goodness.
If issue 2 is anything like issue 1, damn it- sign me up for a subscription!! I’ll eat 3m noodles for a few weeks, but it’ll be worth every penny.
Much thanks everyone involved (great cartoon BTW) and more power to all your arms!
cheers, enjoy the BeerPi/BrewPi you have earned it.
There are no copies in London Bridge Station WH Smiths. The other day I checked in London Liverpool Street Station and there were none there either.
I think those will be travel WHSmith stores. We are in the high-street stores. Thanks!
Thanks, I didn’t realise there was a difference. I’m not sure there are that many “High Street” WH Smiths in central London certainly not on the city side… and there are many fans of yours here.
Agree on this point – any chance of getting them into “station” WHSmiths for future issues? That said, last month someone recommended I go to which turned out to be a good call – not to far to go for me given I work near Liverpool Street Station.
Just purchased a paper copy of issue 2 from Westfield as a souvenir. It’s a bit of a trek just for a magazine but we had some other bits and pieces to get. Can I just say that the mag is laid out really well for paper.
It is laid out poorly on screens… I can’t wait for better ways to access this content to arrive for digital subscribers, I presume its introduction is imminent? If it’s not can we at least have a quick and dirty work around to make things easier on the eyes of digital subscribers?
Hi spych102,
Thanks for your feedback, and glad you’re enjoying the magazine. Yes, we do want to make more than just static PDFs at some point, although we’ve been insanely busy for the first three issues and we’re still a very small team. Creating re-flowing ePub/HTML versions is a lot of work, but we really do want to have those versions at some point. In the meantime, name any “quick and dirty” work-arounds that you think could help, and we’ll look into them!
The borders take up space. I’d say the quickest doozy is to crop to the edge of the text content so it appears bigger when the zoom setting is to fit to window. All my other suggestions would be regarding the layout for multi-use pdfs.
Just read this an thought it might make an interesting interview for a future issue, sounds like a guy who should have a voice.
Say, why haven’t I heard of our review 😉 ,
and where can I get a digital version to see what you wrote about us?
Schoelje, founder SolydXK
Hey, I’ll drop you a line!
Also worth mentioning that LXF and Linux User & Developer are available in these stores n.b. they all seem rather overstocked at the moment to be honest, trying to maximise circulation and/or they are suffering from a bit of competition maybe?
BTW what do I ask for if I want to get my local independent newsagent to stock the magazine?
Love the magazine. Unfortunately appear to have got a duff DVD (it happens) so looking forward to the upload.
Looking forward to the next issue.
There’s a pdf version of Linux Voice?
AKA Digital Subscription 😉
free if you are already a print subscriber
Thanks Jess!
You guys were pretty harsh on Bodhi 3 considering that, at the time of print, it was barely in Beta. Heck, even at this date, it’s only just hit RC1.
Hi Gary,
In fairness, it wasn’t a full review but an update, and we were reporting on its current (then) state. But yes, we perhaps should’ve mentioned that it was still in heavy development. Thanks for the feedback!