Linux Kernel Parameters
DISCLAIMER: The examples we’ve picked are unlikely to cause trouble, but altering kernel parameters can cause crashes and data loss. Tread lightly and experiment in a VM or a non-production system.
The dark days when new computer hardware often required compiling your own kernel are now firmly in Linux’s past (though those were fun days). But the fact that Linux – meaning the kernel itself – is free software means that you can still delve deep into its innards and tweak it to your heart’s content.
In an ideal world, the user would never need to think about the kernel, but there are cases where it’s useful. In fact, it becomes a necessity when hardware is faulty, such as with bad memory, or if it is shipped with buggy firmware that tells lies about capabilities such as CPU speed or temperature. In these cases, you’ll need more control over the hardware than userspace software allows, and setting kernel parameters lets you do that without the hassle of compiling a kernel.
Let’s start with an example we encountered when bad memory came to plague a shiny new laptop. Sometimes it’s not possible to replace the memory (for example, the SOC in a Raspberry Pi), and for some the expense of buying replacement hardware may be prohibitive – think of folk using old hardware in developing countries.
If you’re experiencing the symptoms of bad memory – random freezes and crashes – then you should test it using a venerable utility called memtest86+. Many distros include it as an option at the boot prompt, or you can put a distro such as GPartedLive on a USB stick and select the memtest86+ option. The test will tell you if you’ve got bad memory and exactly where it is bad. In our case, the bad patch was reported as 2056.0MB to 2176.0MB. The solution was to restart the laptop, and when the bootloader began, switch to its command line and set the memmap kernel parameter with
This instructs the kernel not to use the 256MB of memory from 2048MB, and once booted with this parameter setting, the laptop became completely stable. The only noticable difference was that it had 256MB less memory than before. Given that it had 8GB of memory in the first place, this loss isn’t too much of a problem and saves on the cost and hassle of having it fixed if outside the warranty period.
The arcane lore of the kernel
The memmap fix is straightforward enough once you understand it, but first you have to know that such a parameter exists and what its cryptic syntax means. For example, you can replace $ with & or # and it’ll work completely differently, and if you don’t respect memory boundaries it won’t work at all. The aim of this article is to explore kernel parameters in case you have to use them in real situations involving faulty hardware or custom hobby projects.
To set kernel parameters at boot time you need to get to know your bootloader. You can either set kernel parameters manually each time or edit the bootloader’s configuration file so that it gets set automatically on every boot. We’ll concentrate on the most popular bootloader Grub 2, but the parameters themselves will be the same for any bootloader such as Lilo or SysLinux.
To boot
You need to pay close attention at startup. If you see a text screen with ‘GNU GRUB’ at the top, then just press E before the timeout ends and booting begins. If you don’t see the Grub screen, and by default you won’t with a normal Ubuntu install, you’ll need to press the Shift key to enter the Grub menu. This didn’t work for us when booting Ubuntu 14.04 in a VirtualBox VM due to a problem with the VM capturing the keyboard, so if you experience it too, or you wish to boot to the Grub screen everytime instead of frantically jabbing at the Shift key, let it boot up into the OS, open a terminal window and edit the configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
and put a # at the start of the line with GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 to comment it out. Then save the file and tell Grub to update with:
sudo update-grub
This causes Grub to rewrite its files on the disk. These are essential for booting your computer, so be vigilant for errors or warnings, and if you do get any, check online to find out what they mean and take action if needed. If update-grub did its job properly, reboot your computer and you should be presented with the GNU Grub screen where you can press E.
You will now see a rather intimidating dozen or so lines, as shown in the screenshot, below. These are commands for Grub, but towards the end you should see a line that starts with linux – this is the kernel command line. On Ubuntu 14.04 (installed using GPT and EFI) it looks like this:
linux /boot/vmlinz-3.13.0-32-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=<long UUID> ro quiet splash
Yours may differ in detail, but immediately after linux you will see the location of the file containing the kernel that will be used. After that is our first kernel parameter, root. This is crucial. It specifies the device that contains the root filesystem; in this case it’s specified by a UUID. It’s still common to see something like root=/dev/sda2, which means the second partition (2) on the first disk (a). Then we have ro, which means that the filesystem should be mounted read-only so that disk checks can be reliably performed – it will be remounted rw or read-write later on. Next we have quiet, which tells the kernel not to output verbose text to the console, and splash enables a pretty graphic screen during booting.
As a safe and informative experiment, try deleting quiet and splash, then hit F10 to boot the system and you’ll see lots of kernel messages spewed onto the console. Ordinarily this isn’t all that useful, except perhaps if you twitch your unblinking eyes very fast and say “interesting” to fool an onlooker that you can read as fast as Data from Star Trek. Of course, these messages can yield vital clues if the boot process is getting held up, or stops altogether. One common problem that can be spotted this way is if the partition or disk with the root filesystem isn’t found where it should be. Correcting the setting of the root kernel parameter can fix it, although it could just be that that the drive isn’t plugged in, or has an unsupported filesystem. If you’ve ruled out all those causes and you’re dealing with a USB-connected drive, then it’s possible it might not have “settled” by the time the kernel starts looking for it. To avoid this problem you can add rootdelay=10, which tells the kernel to delay 10 seconds before mounting the root filesystem. This can be especially handy with a Raspberry Pi if you want to use a large external hard drive to contain a root filesystem that won’t fit on an SD card.
Press the E key at boot time to bring up this Emacs-like editor, which lets you set kernel parameters in Grub.
Kernel, bread and butter
A helpful analogy is to compare the kernel to bread. A good loaf is baked to a precise recipe. The recipe for the kernel is its configuration, which specifies what hardware the kernel supports, eg types of x86 or ARM CPUs, and other things like what filesystems it can work with, such as ext4 or btrfs.
To see the configuration of the kernel you’re currently running, type:
zcat /proc/config.gz | less
Anything that’s set to =y means yes, that feature is enabled and/or built into the kernel. For example, the first few lines on the laptop I’m writing this on read are:
which tells me I can run both 32- and 64-bit x86 code.
Once the configuration is decided, the next step is to compile it, which is a bit like baking the bread. Both take a while and involve much heat, which for the kernel is because compilation is CPU-intensive.
Setting module parameters can breathe new life into non-functioning hardware, as we saw with memmap, but it can also help work around buggy drivers. I was recently dismayed to discover that my shiny new Dell XPS 13, shipped with Ubuntu (reviewed in LV002), kept dropping its wireless connection. It seemed that, although Dell had included the latest drivers for the wireless chipset, they weren’t entirely bug-free. But setting just one module parameter fixed the issue, and saved me a good deal of hair loss.
Before going further, let’s take another look at kernel configuration. You may have noticed some lines like this that end in =m:
where m doesn’t stand for “maybe” (although that’d be accurate), but “module”. This means that the feature, in this case support for the ext4 filesystem, is not built into the kernel, but as a module that can be loaded if needed. When the distro maintainer is compiling the kernel, they can’t know which filesystems you will use. So instead of building many filesystems into the kernel, bloating it with code that won’t be used, support for different filesystems are built into separate modules, which can be loaded as needed.
If you know exactly what your kernel will be used to do and on what hardware it is going to run, such as a smart TV, then you can build just what is needed into it, keeping it small and simple, and not have any modules. The bread analogy is still applicable. You can use the butter “module” with plain bread for your morning toast, and you can use the same loaf with cheese and tomato as “modules” to build a sandwich for lunch. Alternatively, you could choose to bake cheese and tomato into a loaf, but it would then only be useful for certain meals.
Mess with a running system!
Another advantage of modules is that, unlike the memmap example, you can still set kernel parameters after the system has booted up. To display information about a module, use the modinfo command, as explained in the boxout, left. You can list the modules currently in use with lsmod – both commands need to be run as root or with sudo.
Going back to my laptop’s issue with dodgy wireless, I did some searching and discovered that the module was buggy when dealing with hardware encryption, and that loading the module with hwcrypt=0 would solve problems with the wireless dropping out. Before you can do that, you need to find the name of the module that provides the driver for your wireless chipset. For a USB device, this can be done by looking through the output from:
usb-devices | less
You should see a block of information for your device with some human readable text description like “Wireless networking”, and at the end of the last line you will see the kernel module in use after Driver=. If your wireless chip is not USB connected, it will be on the PCI bus, which requires two steps to identify it. First locate the wireless chipset with:
sudo lspci | grep -i network
For me this gave a long line that started with 01:00.0, which I could then use to display more verbose information with this command:
sudo lspci -v -s 01:00.0
On the last line of my output was the important information Kernel modules: ath9k. (If no kernel module is listed, then you might need to load it manually; of which, more later).
To set a module parameter manually, you’ll first need to unload the module. Warning: doing this could cause serious problems. It’s safe enough to do with the module controlling a wireless chipset (as long as you don’t mind losing wireless for a bit), but unloading a module for the root filesystem is asking for trouble! To unload a module, in this case my ath9k module, just do:
sudo modprobe -r ath9k
then to reload it and set the nohwcrypt parameter, just enter this line:
sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1
and that’s it. This would need to be done every time the laptop is started up, but you can make it permanent by creating a file in /etc/modprobe.d. The name of the file is up to you, but something descriptive like ath9k_myfix.conf would be appropriate, and it need only contain:
options ath9k nohwcrypt=1
Remember, this only works if ath9k was compiled as a kernel module, which will usually be the case, but if it were compiled into the kernel (y instead of m in the kernel config), then you can still set it at boot up by adding ath9k.nohwcrypt=1 to end of the kernel command line.
There’s more you can do with the conf files. Sometimes hardware is misidentified and the wrong kernel module is loaded. For example, say you notice your wireless is not working and then you notice that the ath9k_htc module is loaded, but you know your hardware is not made by HTC. The solution would be to blacklist the offending module, which you can do by creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k_myfix.conf, but this time it has just this line:
blacklist ath9k_htc
or you might prefer to add that line to an existing blacklist.conf file. This will stop that incorrect module from loading, and hopefully you’ll find ath9k is loaded instead.
Sometimes it’s still necessary to force the loading of a module. To do this, you can create a file in /etc/modules-load.d. For example, in order for the CUPS printing system to work, Ubuntu 14.04 comes with cups-filters.conf, which contains the following lines to load three printing related modules:
It is possible to set some kernel parameters on a running kernel even if they’re not part of a module. A useful example is the swappiness parameter, which controls how swap space is used. To change it, you edit a file (actually it’s not a real file, but a virtual one generated by the kernel) with something like:
sudo nano /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
The file will contain the current setting, which will probably be the default of 60. Set it to 100 and the kernel will swap from memory to disk aggressively; set it to 0 and you may well notice a speed boost, but at the risk of problems if you run short on memory.
Further reading
The definitive source of information on kernel parameters is Ubuntu’s documentation on kernel parameters is also worth reading:, as is the Arch Linux wiki: For a more complete overview of the subject, though a little out of date now, is Linux Kernel in a Nutshell by kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman, available as a free download on his website or in print from